Jumat, 16 Maret 2018

Santa's Top 10 Elementary School Teacher Edible Christmas Gift Ideas

Santa's Top 10 Elementary School Teacher Edible Christmas Gift Ideas

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aohnYUnrelA/maxresdefault.jpg

Santa's Top 10 Elementary School Teacher Edible Christmas Gift Ideas

Running out of good ideas for Christmas gifts for your son or daughter's elementary school teacher? Feel like your running out of time? Ho', ho', ho' my friends fret and worry no longer Santa Claus is here to bring you my best list of edible gifts for the holidays. Why edible gift ideas you ask?

Edible gifts are enjoyed by everyone, especially desserts, candy and sweets of all different kinds. Plus with the economy the way it is my elves and I had to come up with other ideas to get by this holiday season. I hope you all understand. And we can't afford to let big, expensive gifts go to waste in the event the teachers don't like them. And who doesn't like sweets? Sweets are synonymous with the holidays, right? So that's another reason I am suggesting sweets and candy gifts. So without further delay here is the list, right here. Wait one second. I thought I had it. Oh, excuse me one second. I have to call my head assistant elf on my cell phone to bring it to me. Be right back!

(5 minutes later)

I can be so absent-minded during this time of year. You know I've got a lot of things on my mind. And right now elementary teacher gifts are on my mind so here's my list. Just be prepared it might make you hungry. Ah let's see here.

1. Chocolate Covered Popcorn in a decorative tin: so the teachers can snack on something yummy while grading your little ones' papers or they can sneak it in to the theater so they don't have to pay the high prices. I mean (clearing throat and coughing) wait 'til they get home from the theater.

2. Chocolate Covered Apples and Caramel Apples: Oh, it reminds me of my summer vacation to Coney Island out on the boardwalk.

3. Cookies in a decorative cookie jar: that way he or she will always see it on their desk and will remember all year round who gave them this great gift. Then maybe they will give your child a better grade. I mean (clearing throat and coughing again) one of his or her delicious cookies.

4. Rice Krispies Treats decorated into different shapes: these can be chocolate covered and frosted as well. I can see me gaining a few extra pounds already. Maybe there are diet rice krispies treats.

5. A Desktop Gumball Machine or M&M Machine: NOT for the classroom of course, rather for home enjoyment.

6. A Cookie Bouquet (cookie pops): they come decorated in different shapes and styles. They are delicious and play a twist on the normal flower bouquets. I once tried one at a house I dropped off some presents to. Ok, I didn't eat it, I just looked at it. Maybe I took a nibble. Ok I ate the whole thing. How else am I supposed to keep my Santa form?

7. Message Candy in a holiday mug: you can create your own customized message on chocolate candy pops and then choose the mug for them so they can drink coffee in order to stay awake to grade tests and reports.

8. Giant Holiday Decorated Fortune Cookie with holiday fortune: I think I saw this idea while working in China I don't remember, but either way these are some of the coolest cookies you'll find. It's very unique and different and that's why I like it.

9. Chocolate Covered Pretzels in a decorative mug: sweet and salty together doused with icing and yummy toppings. You know sometimes I feel salty when I don't eat something sweet for a long time.

10. Lollipop Bouquet: maybe he or she can reward students for making good marks or grades.

Well there you have it folks . It may be hard to find some of these at stores so I recommend you search for them online. That's what I may need to do this year with all the work I have left to do. Then my reindeer won't have to work so hard. Merry Christmas everyone!

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