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If you have ever wanted to learn how to play an instrument, now is a great time to begin. It doesn't matter how old you are or even how smart you are. Anyone can do this and do it well. In fact, you might discover that it can be fun too. Read through some of the benefits of learning an instrument listed below. I bet there are several things here that you may not have thought about before.
1. Appreciation for hard work - It takes time, hard work and patience to really learn something and do it well. A great way to learn this lesson is to play an instrument.
2. Perseverance and commitment - When you decide that you want to be successful at learning something new, you must commit to it. Committing to a project or new endeavor means that you are going to see it all the way through to the end. This can only be done with perseverance.
3. Confidence - The more you learn how to play your instrument, the more confidence you have in yourself. You know that you can work hard, persevere and tackle anything that comes your way.
4. Achievement and self-esteem - As you develop your musical skills, you will gain a sense of satisfaction in your progress. Recognizing and celebrating your achievements builds self-esteem that easily transfers to other areas beyond music.
5. Focus and concentration - Practice techniques can help you develop concentration for longer durations and the ability to focus on one thing at a time. Without focus, you loose your sense of direction and end up wandering around aimlessly. If you want to do something well, you must be able to focus.
6. Goal-Setting - In order to guide you in accomplishing tasks, you must set goals. Learning an instrument can teach you this skill. Once you have goals set in place, it is important to write down specific tasks that will help you achieve those goals.
7. Self-discipline - When you first begin to learn an instrument, it may be difficult at first to develop a habit of practicing. Once you have this habit in place and see your progress, you will feel encouraged to continue.
8. Coordination - Playing an instrument requires you to develop coordination in small and large muscle groups in your body. It is especially helpful in the development of fine motor skills such as moving your fingers independently.
9. Self-expression and creativity - Music gives you an opportunity to practice creativity and it also provides you with a safe way to communicate feelings and self-expression.
10. Friendships - Many new friendships can be established when learning an instrument simply because you have a new way of interacting and relating to others.
11. Entertainment and relaxation - Learning an instrument, participating in group activities, and listening to music can be fun. It can provide hours of entertainment and relaxation for the rest of your life.
This is just a short list representing some of the benefits of learning an instrument. You can probably think of many more. Think about what instrument you have always wanted to play and take those next steps. Find a teacher in your area and sign up for lessons. Pretty soon you will discover the gift of music and how much fun it is to share with others.